What do I do if I think I have leprosy?
You might have found this website because you're worried that you are showing signs of leprosy.
If you live in the UK
First, you should see your doctor. Share your concerns with them. If they are not familiar with leprosy you may want to encourage them to look at the Memorandum on Leprosy 2012 published by Public Health England.
If your doctor thinks that your symptoms could be leprosy, then you are likely to be referred to the Hospital for Tropical Diseases (HTD), one of the University College London Hospitals, for testing.
HTD also offers an emergency walk in clinic for people who have lived in or travelled to the tropics during the past six months. One of the world’s leading leprosy experts is attached to this clinic so can test for leprosy and provide the necessary treatment if required.
If you live in a country where leprosy is found
You may be able to be diagnosed with leprosy at your local primary health centre or hospital. However, if you have tried this and not had any success, then you might want to contact your Ministry of Health. They will have experts on leprosy within their National Leprosy Control Programme and could advise where it would be best for you to be assessed.
Alternatively, if The Leprosy Mission has a presence in your country, you can contact the Head Office there for more information. Contact details can be found by clicking on the name of your country on The Leprosy Mission International’s website.