‘…as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favour granted us in answer to the prayers of many.’ 2 Corinthians 1:11 (NIV)
Wellesley Bailey, founder of The Leprosy Mission, said that The Mission was ‘born and cradled in prayer’. More than 140 years later, prayer still has a vital place in everything we do. Every morning, members of the Leprosy Mission family around the world stop what they are doing to pray for their work and for the needs of people and communities affected by leprosy.
If you want to join with us in praying, there are a range of resources you can use to help you.
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The Leprosy Mission Prayer
Almighty Father, the giver of life and health, look mercifully on those who suffer from leprosy. Stretch out your hand to touch and heal them as Jesus did during his earthly life. Grant wisdom and insight to those who are seeking the prevention and cure of the disease; give skill and sympathy to those who minister to the patients; reunite the separated with their families and friends; and inspire your people with the task set before The Leprosy Mission, that it may never lack either the staff or the means to carry on its healing work, in accordance with your will, and to the glory of your holy name. We ask this for the sake of Jesus Christ your Son, our Lord. Amen.